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Watch this video and more on Pelvic Health Yogi

Spinal Health Mini

30 Day Challenge, Week Four! • 25m

Up Next in 30 Day Challenge, Week Four!

  • 10 Min Gentle Stretch

    These 10 minute classes are so great as an add on to different classes or a stand alone on days when you just have a little bit of time to turn your focus inward. Enjoy this meditative and quiet practice. All you need is two blocks and a blanket.

  • Takin' It Easy

    Today I had some body work done and the practitioner who worked on me said that I needed to take it easy afterwards. Good thing he told me because I was totally planning on doing a fiery practice afterwards! Some days we just need to slow down a bit and navigate to practice that is going to help ...

  • The Art of Lunging

    In today's class we breakdown the process of lunging forward. We are creating mindfulness around the musculature and the engagement that has to happen to support this forward action so we can move gracefully through the movement with fluidity and control. Enjoy!

    All you need for today is two blo...