Takin' It Easy
30 Day Challenge, Week Four!
Today I had some body work done and the practitioner who worked on me said that I needed to take it easy afterwards. Good thing he told me because I was totally planning on doing a fiery practice afterwards! Some days we just need to slow down a bit and navigate to practice that is going to help us get centered and connected. Today's class generated a little bit of heat in the beginning, but we really just slowed it down for the second half. All you need is your couch or a chair, one block and a blanket.
Up Next in 30 Day Challenge, Week Four!
The Art of Lunging
In today's class we breakdown the process of lunging forward. We are creating mindfulness around the musculature and the engagement that has to happen to support this forward action so we can move gracefully through the movement with fluidity and control. Enjoy!
All you need for today is two blo...
Full Body Band Workout
Grab your resistance band and let's create some strength and stability! Class time: 25 minutes. We will run through 1 set per muscle group which is plenty for some basic strength training. If you want, you can do this video twice to get in two sets, add an extra set of one of the muscle groups ...
Recruit the Glutes : Week 1 Companion
The companion version of WEEK ONE Recruit the Glutes. In the regular 35 minute class, we take our time, we learn some anatomy and explore. In this class - we do many of the same postures but without the explanations since we already know that going into it.
Remember - this is a reprogramming ...