15 Min Winter Flow
30 Day Challenge, Week Five
This 15 minute flow will warm you up while creating space in the whole body. While we aren't specifically working on the low back today, these postures support the low back and SI joint and is a great class to take when yours is feeling cranky!
We'll work on psoas opening (nothing fiery), side & front body opening and some gentle engagement. All you need is a blanket or beach towel and 1 block.
Up Next in 30 Day Challenge, Week Five
The Art of Lunging
In today's class we breakdown the process of lunging forward. We are creating mindfulness around the musculature and the engagement that has to happen to support this forward action so we can move gracefully through the movement with fluidity and control. Enjoy!
All you need for today is two blo...
Slow Morning Flow
Morning flows have a different vibe! Our bodies have been sedentary for quite a few hours (hopefully!) and things need to get juiced up. I find the best way to do this is with a mindful practice that also brings some heat but at a slower, more purposeful pace. If you decide to do this morning f...
20 Mins of Gentle Movement
A gentle flow to support your pelvic health. Truthfully, I slept wrong the night before I recorded this video and my mid-back was telling all about it! ha! On those days, it's easy to phone in your practice and just say, "I'll do it tomorrow." When in fact those are the days you maybe SHOULDN'T p...