Feelin' Cheeky
1h 8m
What happens if your glutes are weak and aren't firing when they are supposed to? We compensate. So what fires on to help compensate when the glutes are being lazy? The Pelvic floor and hamstrings can absolutely be part of that equation. Also - the glutes are supposed to stabalize the sacrum. If they are too weak this will cause problems. If they are too tight, this will cause problems. See the balance?
In this class we did a little exploratory work and then we also did some training for our glutes to create strength, function and awareness. By practicing leg extension with an intention of glute activation as opposed to just mindlessly going through the movement, we are strengtheing the neurological connection between the glutes and the brain with our movement. That right there is GOLD. :)
We also fit in some Psoas strengthening and lengthening, too. Because it's good stuff.
You'll need: 2 blocks, blanket, mat and a couch or chair