15 Min Winter Flow
10 - 15 Minute Flows
This 15 minute flow will warm you up while creating space in the whole body. While we aren't specifically working on the low back today, these postures support the low back and SI joint and is a great class to take when yours is feeling cranky!
We'll work on psoas opening (nothing fiery), side & front body opening and some gentle engagement. All you need is a blanket or beach towel and 1 block.
Up Next in 10 - 15 Minute Flows
15 Min Strength Practice
In today's practice we worked on many muscle groups including the glutes, outer hip, quads, calves/feet and inner thighs! We go through one round of each and you are good with just that but if you want to challenge yourself, go for two rounds! You'll need a pilates ball or something similar, a ...
10 Min Gentle Chair Flow
Let's get our bodies warmed up and moving in this gentle 10 minute flow. You'll need two blocks, some type of ball to roll the feet out (can also use a dowel) and of course a chair!
10 Min Get Moving Flow
Today we flow through some familiar standing poses - triangle, warrior 2 and challenge ourselves a bit with half moon pose! The idea is to get things moving, circulating and spend a few moments getting centered in our body and breath. You'll need 1-2 blocks but this class can be done with nothin...