Wise Ass Dumb Ass (Revised edition!)
Full Length Classes
1h 1m
Indeed, it's a "cheeky" name, but there's a good reason for it! See, as we get older and less than desireable patterns form in our bodies, some parts don't fire the way they were designed to. The glutes being a big culprit. So in today's class we explored how to tell if they are firing and also how to properly engage them for strength work, which we did plenty of in this class!
If you are new to strengthening your glutes, take it easy. Don't over do it because you don't want to flare something up in the pelvis if it's not ready to recieve it. Pay attention to your bodies ques - if you start clenching your jaw, if it's painful, if you have history of painful glutes, SI dysfunction or tailbone pain - go SLOW! You can always come back and build upon your practice.
You'll need: chair, blanket, strap, blocks