Full Length Classes

Full Length Classes

Immerse yourself in comprehensive yoga sessions designed to promote pelvic health and overall well-being. These full-length classes offer a complete yoga experience, incorporating breathwork, movement, and mindfulness to support your journey to holistic wellness.

Each full length class has a focus. You'll notice in the descriptions the area of the body that we are bringing attention to OR a condition that we are working on specifically.

Full Length Classes
  • Lower Back Support

    **CAVEAT** If you have a bulging disc greater than 30% this may not be a good class for you. If you have SI Joint issues that prevent you from tilting the pelvis backwards even slightly, then don't do this class YET! There are some structural things that need to be addressed first.

    I created th...

  • Psoas Support

    In today's class we cover all the bases in support of the psoas. As a deep core muscle, spine stabalizer, hip flexor and shock absorber, the psoas has a BIG job! We need it to be strong, open and mobile so it can show up all day everyday like we need it to.

    For class you'll need a block, chai...

  • The Two faced Pelvis

    Today we are exploring the disparities between the left and right hemispheres of the pelvis, including the glutes and the calves. For this class, she will need a block, a ball and a chair. Optional to have a blanket under your head at the beginning of class. We didn't end up using the strap, so d...

  • The Foot Connection

    There are 12 Myofascial Trains in the body. One of them is the SFL, the superficial front line. There's also the SBL, superficial back line. Both connect the feet all the way to the jaw and base of the skull. They go up the legs, cross the pelvis and up the chain.

    I say all the time that e...

  • Hip Rotators : Obturator Internus

    Today we really got into the nitty gritty details of one of the hip rotators, the obturator internus. Why? Because it actually has a really big role in stabilizing the hips, it's part of the 3rd layer of the pelvic floor and it causes issues for a lot of people. So we explores it's job, really...

  • Low Back Pain

    Contrary to popular yoga instruction, backbends are contraindicated for sacral or lumbar back pain. So today, we approach it from a therapeutic angle that makes you feel stronger but more open without irritating the low back more than it is.

    Let’s get to it!

    You’ll need:
    2 blocks
    A Mat

  • Back to Basics

    In this weeks class, we are getting back to basics and laying some foundational work. We go over the basic anatomy of the pelvic floor and I que a lot as to what certain poses are creating in the pelvis.

    You'll Need:
    2 blocks
    Yoga strap

  • Back to Basics : Part 2

    In today's class I did a quick review on Reverse Breathing and the physiological effects that can have on our bodies if left to it's own devices.

    During our yoga sesh, there was lots of opening and mobility, you know, the good stuff! We also visited glute activate during leg extension and then ...

  • Deepening the Breath Connection

    Expand it - Zip it - Cinch it! In this class we explored different ways to experience the Pelvic Breath. My hope is that you will start to create that neurological connection with what's happening in the pelvic floor so that you can differenciate between activation and expansion as it recieves ...

  • Yoga for Holiday Stress

    When everything else around us is spinning, the best thing we can do for ourselves is find the stillness within. This Holiday Stress practice is designed just for that. We build some heat, find some balance and then rest in stillness for a bit as we turn inward for this 45 minute practice. Nor...

  • Living Room Practice

    This is a full length yoga practice that you can do right in your living room. Believe it or not, most of my practices are done right on my living room floor. It's already a space I spend a lot of time in so why not utilize it for something to benefit my health, too.

    This full length class h...

  • Yoga for Pain

    Pain is created in the brain. Does that mean it’s all in your head? No. It’s very real & very felt… but it starts in the brain. Signals are then transferred to areas of the body. Which offers us opportunity to help manage the pain by addressing the brain through the regulation of the nervous sy...

  • Yoga for Bladder Health

    Yoga for Urinary & Urge Incontinence : Bladder Health

    First: let’s define.
    Urinary Incontinence: the involuntary loss of urine.
    Urge Incontinence: feeling like you have to go all the time but very little urine comes out if any; the feeling hits right away and it seems like you won’t make it to t...

  • Balancing Act

    One of my teachers along my own yoga journey said, "Balancing poses give us a chance to find out center of gravity and dance around it's edges." I love this concept. One does not simply come into balance and stay there. It's a dynamic relationship with gravity where you flow in and out of it. ...

  • Hip Flexors

    This week’s class focuses on Hip Flexors. When the hip flexors are tight, they can create tension in the pelvic floor. This can lead to restriction or a pulling sensation in the low back, change the orientation of the hip socket which can lead to hip pain and then of course effect everything dow...

  • Happy Hips

    This weeks full length class will be all about supporting our hips. We will hit it all up - creating strength, mobility and openness. Many of the elderly female patients in our clinic come in with excrutiating hip pain. It's debilitating and they can't walk, sit or lay down without discomfort....

  • Exploring the Sides

    Two sides of the same pelvis.

    Your pelvic floor is actually divided into two hemispheres. The right and left side operate, in a sense, separately from each other. Which means there is every possibility that each side is developed differently from the other. Especially given the fact that our h...

  • Feelin' Cheeky

    What happens if your glutes are weak and aren't firing when they are supposed to? We compensate. So what fires on to help compensate when the glutes are being lazy? The Pelvic floor and hamstrings can absolutely be part of that equation. Also - the glutes are supposed to stabalize the sacrum....

  • A Foot to Stand On

    Today we focus on feet, more specifically, grounding down through the big toe ball mound which often isn't getting the grounding needed to create a strong foundation. We will also be doing a lot for our calves both lengthening and strengthening!

    You'll need: ball, blanket, blocks and a chair o...

  • Comfort in the Chaos

    There's always going to be some level of chaos around us. We can't change that. We can't change the behavior of others, our genetics or DNA, we can't re-write history or snap our fingers and our bodies magically become perfectly functioning vessels. Most of us here are working on something tha...

  • Wise Ass Dumb Ass (Revised edition!)

    Indeed, it's a "cheeky" name, but there's a good reason for it! See, as we get older and less than desireable patterns form in our bodies, some parts don't fire the way they were designed to. The glutes being a big culprit. So in today's class we explored how to tell if they are firing and als...

  • Let's Unpack the Psoas

    How could one muscle be responsible for so much?! This muscle is related to so many pelvic pain conditions and we’re gonna spend the next 55 minutes together bringing more awareness, space and stability to it.

    For this practice, he will need two blocks, a blanket, either a yoga bolster, or a cou...