Comfort in the Chaos
Full Length Classes
There's always going to be some level of chaos around us. We can't change that. We can't change the behavior of others, our genetics or DNA, we can't re-write history or snap our fingers and our bodies magically become perfectly functioning vessels. Most of us here are working on something that we wished functioned better.
But we can find peace within it.
We can create space in between the line of chaos and we can rest in the stillness there.
One part of our body might be lit up but we can choose, even if momentarily, to focus on a different sensation.
We can find comfort amidst the chaos.
This class will stimulate the restful side of your nervous system so all my anxious mamas, my girls who walk around in pain or discomfort, my friends who's brains are so fried they can't even find their words... this one's for you!
You'll need: bolster (or something similar), blanket or big towel, strap and two blocks
Up Next in Full Length Classes
Wise Ass Dumb Ass (Revised edition!)
Indeed, it's a "cheeky" name, but there's a good reason for it! See, as we get older and less than desireable patterns form in our bodies, some parts don't fire the way they were designed to. The glutes being a big culprit. So in today's class we explored how to tell if they are firing and als...