Yoga for Bladder Health
Yoga for Bladder Health
1h 10m
Yoga for Urinary & Urge Incontinence : Bladder Health
First: let’s define.
Urinary Incontinence: the involuntary loss of urine.
Urge Incontinence: feeling like you have to go all the time but very little urine comes out if any; the feeling hits right away and it seems like you won’t make it to the bathroom.
In both cases, sometimes there is an inability to empty completely.
Believe it or not, these conditions are often associated with a hypertonic pelvic floor. Which, btw, is also usually accompanied by a WEAK pelvic floor. Individual circumstances will always play it’s role in any condition, but when it comes to those of us who deal with urinary/urge incontinence, or UTI symptoms with no infection present, there are a few common denominators.
I also go into a short description of how the pudendal nerve relates to the feeling of having to urinate when there is a hypertonic situation. I forgot to mention the pudendal nerve can also get restricted from tight hips and glutes.
So today's class addresses it from both an opening aspect and a gentle engaging aspect. Pelvic health requires both an open environment and one that responds to stimulus.
You'll Need:
2 blocks
bolster or sturdy pillows