15 Min Bolster Flow
Feb 13th - Feb 19th Playlist
Well, it started out as a 10 minute yoga sesh and turned into a 15'er! As the title respectively says :D
In today's fun bolster flow, we are raising some heat, challenging our 4 legged ability to balance and using the weight of our bolster to help us work a bit more in some more traditional poses. Have a bolster and a block!
IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BOLSTER : Try getting a few bigger towels and put them inside a pillow case. Knot the corners to make it a tighter fit and voila! It'll due!
Up Next in Feb 13th - Feb 19th Playlist
10 Min Core Flow
10 minutes can pack a punch if you get right down to business, so let's get in it! You don't need a lot for this quick little fiery sequence, just something a rolled up blanket or beach towel will do the trick.
Express Happy Feet
This class is all about opening up the feet and calves, no strength work in this one, it's all about creating space and doing some myofascial release.
All you will need for this class is a tennis ball or something similar and a blanket. Preferably a saddle blanket.
20 Min Yin Flow
Our practice today focuses on grounding down and generating space by practicing our poses in a supported longer holds. Yin is all about allowing, not forcing. So once you hit your first edge of resistance, that first sign of a stretch, pause there and let the magic happen as your muscles and fas...