20 Min Flow for SI Pain
Newly Added!
I have dealt with SI joint pain for as long as I can remember. I was definitely a teenager when it started. So I'm very familiar with how debilitating it can be! Whenever I feel something starting, I get on it as quickly as I can. I don't stretch it because that usually makes it worse! So in today's class, we are gently engaging and supporting the musculature that creates balance in the region.
You will need a strap, a Pilates ball if you have one, otherwise use a block, and blanket.
Up Next in Newly Added!
20 Min Focus Flow
Life is busy. There's never a deficit for things that need our attention! This class was created to help bring some balance to the equation. Carving out 20 minutes to fill our cup and move our bodies is crucial for our physical and mental health. It helps us show up more prepared, in a better ...
Lower Back Support
**CAVEAT** If you have a bulging disc greater than 30% this may not be a good class for you. If you have SI Joint issues that prevent you from tilting the pelvis backwards even slightly, then don't do this class YET! There are some structural things that need to be addressed first.
I created th...
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