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Newly Added!

I wanted to make a playlist where members could find the newest videos that have been added to our repertoire of pelvic health classes.

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  • 20 Min Focus Flow

    Life is busy. There's never a deficit for things that need our attention! This class was created to help bring some balance to the equation. Carving out 20 minutes to fill our cup and move our bodies is crucial for our physical and mental health. It helps us show up more prepared, in a better ...

  • Lower Back Support

    **CAVEAT** If you have a bulging disc greater than 30% this may not be a good class for you. If you have SI Joint issues that prevent you from tilting the pelvis backwards even slightly, then don't do this class YET! There are some structural things that need to be addressed first.

    I created th...

  • Inner Thigh & Hamstring Release

  • Psoas Support

    In today's class we cover all the bases in support of the psoas. As a deep core muscle, spine stabalizer, hip flexor and shock absorber, the psoas has a BIG job! We need it to be strong, open and mobile so it can show up all day everyday like we need it to.

    For class you'll need a block, chai...

  • Sleep Easy Bedtime Yoga

  • Low & Slow

    Our class today was centered around creating space in the pelvis including the pelvic floor, hips, inner thighs, quads and hip flexors. We keep the cadence slow and mindful as we bring space to these areas that can really become restricted over time. This class is perfect for those working on a...

  • Pelvic Health Tune-Up

    In today's class, we do a general well-rounded practice that supports overall pelvic health. We do some glute exploration, hip mobilization, breath work and myofascial release.

    Even though there are some stability poses we do in this class, I do invite you to slow down and be mindful of your mo...

  • Hip Support Slow Flow

    This class was inspired by my recent trip. For one reason or another, sometimes we are out of our normal element and it can create some tension in the body, especially when it comes to the hips. So this class is all about lengthening, strengthening and creating some openness and fluidity within t...

  • Back to Basics: Part 3

    Express class! You'll need two blocks, blanket and tennis ball. Today we work on feet, inner thighs, pelvic floor and deep core. Enjoy!

  • A Little Less Conversation

    ... a little more action please! In today's class, we generate some heat and work on our pelvic stability. Some of the moves in this class are a little advanced, but I want you to do whatever feels best in your body, that doesn't mean don't challenge yourself! If you feel like you are at that poi...

  • Moon Flow (for PMS, pain & anxiety)

    In yoga we call energy = prana. Like the moon - our bodies are cyclical and they ebb and flow throughout the month. Our yoga practice can then support where we are in that cycle. This practice is perfect for right before or during your menstrual cycle as it supports the Apana - downward energy ...

  • Stability & Balance

    Today we work on balance, specifically the musculature required to help us stand on one foot! We target the outer hips, glutes, core and feet! When we can activate the outer hips especially in balance poses, this supports the pelvis in a level position which helps us find our center of gravity.

  • Lower Body Conditioning Part 2

    In today's class, we strengthen the hamstrings, internal and external hip rotators and work on our deep core including the pelvic floor. You will need a light weight, aheavy weight, a chair, one resistance loop and two blocks. I know that this class has a lot of props, but we really need them to ...

  • Takin' It Easy

    Today I had some body work done and the practitioner who worked on me said that I needed to take it easy afterwards. Good thing he told me because I was totally planning on doing a fiery practice afterwards! Some days we just need to slow down a bit and navigate to practice that is going to help ...

  • Lower Body Conditioning

    Today we are working on stability for the glutes, hip, flexors, and calves! You will need a blanket, one heavyweight and a chair.

  • Breathe Easy Express

    Today's class is all about supporting the upper respiratory diaphragm and creating openness so that we may breathe easier!

    You'll need a strap and a blanket. If you don't have a blanket, you can use a large beach towel or something similar.

  • Outer Hip Opening Mini

    All you need for this class is two blocks and a Pilates ball. If you don't have any of those things, you can do this class with no props at all!

  • Sciatica Support Mini

  • Sciatic Nerve Support

    All you need is a blanket and two blocks!

  • Mini Side Body Opener

    Today we spend time opening up the side body! This is incredibly beneficial for our respiratory diaphragm and helps to deepen that connection with the breath traveling to the pelvic floor. Pay attention to the side that needs more attention and see if it correlates with what you're already disc...

  • Psoas, Hips & Side body Express

    Today we use our time together to open up the psoas, hamstrings, hips, and the side body.

    You’ll need:
    Ball - tennis ball, myofascial ball, or something similar