Calming Stability Flow
Newly Added!
This flow is a practice that is going to create stability in the pelvis and core but does it in a way that helps you feel grounded at the same time. So while we challenge ourselves and cultivate stability in the musculature that supports our pelvic health, hopefully you'll also feel a sense of calm by the end!
You'll need a couple blocks and a bolster or something similar to it.
Up Next in Newly Added!
Upper Body Stability Flow
In this upper body centered flow we will move through a sequence that builds upper body strength while also bringinig strability to the pelvis. All you need for class is a resistance loop (can do without) and a yoga strap (can also do without - just grab something similar like a kitchen towel)
20 Min Yin Flow
Our practice today focuses on grounding down and generating space by practicing our poses in a supported longer holds. Yin is all about allowing, not forcing. So once you hit your first edge of resistance, that first sign of a stretch, pause there and let the magic happen as your muscles and fas...
Yoga Band Burnout
This class will challenge our muscles in a quick 20 minute routine that will hit up the booty, quads, outer hips, core and pelvic floor!
Using resistance bands is one of my go-to ways to create strength. For me personally, it's easier on my joints then weights and the recovery time is definite...