Express Classes

Express Classes

Dive into revitalizing sessions designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. These condensed practices are packed with all the benefits of our transformative practices into 35 minutes or less, making it easy to prioritize your well-being no matter how hectic life gets. Whether you need a quick energy boost or a moment of relaxation, our express classes have you covered.

Express Classes
  • Cultivating Softness

    Let's release some tension and stress in the body with this 30 minute softening practice! We hold these juicy poses for 45 seconds each and really hit up the entire body. You'll need two blocks. Enjoy!

  • Full Body Band Workout

    Grab your resistance band and let's create some strength and stability! Class time: 25 minutes. We will run through 1 set per muscle group which is plenty for some basic strength training. If you want, you can do this video twice to get in two sets, add an extra set of one of the muscle groups ...

  • Obturator Internus TLC

    For today's class you'll need: a block or two, a 3lb weight if you have one. That's it!

    More Details About the Obturator Internus

    *associated with hip pain*

    Originates from the pubis and ischium (pelvic bones) at the obturator foramen. It travels through the lesser sciatic foramen (basically t...

  • The Good Stuff

    There are staples in our yoga practice that we always come back to. Postures and movements that we know are both available to most and also extremely effective at getting us to that end goal, to be strong and stable but also open in our pelvis and pelvic floor. Today's class is just that! A comp...

  • Restorative Practice

    'Tis the season for lots of noise so let's take a moment to appreciate some stillness! Restorative yoga helps to support the body in poses that allow for a quieter mind and also a down-regulated nervous system. Longer holds in comfy support is a great way to help reduce stress which really help...

  • Lower Body Love

    In today's class, we give extra attention to the quads and hamstrings but we also support the adductors (inner thighs) and feet! All of the movement we do today sets us up for Heron's Pose which is a fun new pose we do at the end when our bodies are juiced and primed to enjoy it.

    You'll need 2...

  • Warming Cold Day Flow

    Well, here we are, at the beginning of what will be 5 months of cold weather! Sometimes you need to just move your body and ignite that internal fire which is not only helpful for cold but increases circulation, reduces stress and of course, supports pelvic health. Today's practice will do just t...

  • Express All About That Bass

    Today we explore the glutes & then we strengthen them from several angles!

    It's important to know what's going on, on either side of our pelvis including the glutes. We will discover which side you are relying on for everyday movement like getting up from a chair and then we work on creating ...

  • Calming Stability Flow

    This flow is a practice that is going to create stability in the pelvis and core but does it in a way that helps you feel grounded at the same time. So while we challenge ourselves and cultivate stability in the musculature that supports our pelvic health, hopefully you'll also feel a sense of c...

  • Slow Morning Flow

    Morning flows have a different vibe! Our bodies have been sedentary for quite a few hours (hopefully!) and things need to get juiced up. I find the best way to do this is with a mindful practice that also brings some heat but at a slower, more purposeful pace. If you decide to do this morning f...

  • Inner Thigh & Hamstring Release

  • Pelvic Health Tune-Up

    In today's class, we do a general well-rounded practice that supports overall pelvic health. We do some glute exploration, hip mobilization, breath work and myofascial release.

    Even though there are some stability poses we do in this class, I do invite you to slow down and be mindful of your mo...

  • Back to Basics: Part 3

    Express class! You'll need two blocks, blanket and tennis ball. Today we work on feet, inner thighs, pelvic floor and deep core. Enjoy!

  • Moon Flow (for PMS, pain & anxiety)

    In yoga we call energy = prana. Like the moon - our bodies are cyclical and they ebb and flow throughout the month. Our yoga practice can then support where we are in that cycle. This practice is perfect for right before or during your menstrual cycle as it supports the Apana - downward energy ...

  • Stability & Balance

    Today we work on balance, specifically the musculature required to help us stand on one foot! We target the outer hips, glutes, core and feet! When we can activate the outer hips especially in balance poses, this supports the pelvis in a level position which helps us find our center of gravity.

  • Takin' It Easy

    Today I had some body work done and the practitioner who worked on me said that I needed to take it easy afterwards. Good thing he told me because I was totally planning on doing a fiery practice afterwards! Some days we just need to slow down a bit and navigate to practice that is going to help ...

  • Lower Body Conditioning

    Today we are working on stability for the glutes, hip, flexors, and calves! You will need a blanket, one heavyweight and a chair.

  • Breathe Easy Express

    Today's class is all about supporting the upper respiratory diaphragm and creating openness so that we may breathe easier!

    You'll need a strap and a blanket. If you don't have a blanket, you can use a large beach towel or something similar.

  • Sciatic Nerve Support

    All you need is a blanket and two blocks!

  • Express De-Stress

    Today's stress relieving flow was really designed to help cultivate the mind/body connection. As you move through practice, think about wading through the movement like you're flowing through honey - make your transitions meaningful and mindful. Really FEEL the feels!

    All you need are a coup...

  • Mini Side Body Opener

    Today we spend time opening up the side body! This is incredibly beneficial for our respiratory diaphragm and helps to deepen that connection with the breath traveling to the pelvic floor. Pay attention to the side that needs more attention and see if it correlates with what you're already disc...

  • Psoas, Hips & Side body Express

    Today we use our time together to open up the psoas, hamstrings, hips, and the side body.

    You’ll need:
    Ball - tennis ball, myofascial ball, or something similar

  • Express Happy Feet

    This class is all about opening up the feet and calves, no strength work in this one, it's all about creating space and doing some myofascial release.

    All you will need for this class is a tennis ball or something similar and a blanket. Preferably a saddle blanket.

  • Exploring Range of Motion