Slow Flow
Immerse yourself in gentle yet powerful yoga sessions designed to promote relaxation, flexibility, and mindfulness. These yoga sessions invite you to slow down, connect with your breath while creating stability and openess.
20 Min Flow Down: Part 2
Twisty Business
Join me on the mat today as we twist our way into mindful movement while working our core and pelvic floor. We will challenge our balance, connect our breath to our twist and create stability. For class you'll need two blocks, a blanket and a pilates ball if you have it or you can use a block in ...
Yoga to Support Digestion
This class is appropriate to support the process of digestion but I think at this point we all understand that digestion is a complex process and there's many things that can hinder it. So while our practice isn't the golden egg that is going to unlock all the problems of having chronic digestive...
Calming Stability Flow
This flow is a practice that is going to create stability in the pelvis and core but does it in a way that helps you feel grounded at the same time. So while we challenge ourselves and cultivate stability in the musculature that supports our pelvic health, hopefully you'll also feel a sense of c...
Slow Morning Flow
Morning flows have a different vibe! Our bodies have been sedentary for quite a few hours (hopefully!) and things need to get juiced up. I find the best way to do this is with a mindful practice that also brings some heat but at a slower, more purposeful pace. If you decide to do this morning f...
Hip Stability Slow Flow
This flow is all about movement that supports and calls on hip stability which of course means pelvic stability. We address all the key components of having healthy hips including external rotators, glutes and deep core.
You'll need: two blocks
Low & Slow
Our class today was centered around creating space in the pelvis including the pelvic floor, hips, inner thighs, quads and hip flexors. We keep the cadence slow and mindful as we bring space to these areas that can really become restricted over time. This class is perfect for those working on a...
Hip Support Slow Flow
This class was inspired by my recent trip. For one reason or another, sometimes we are out of our normal element and it can create some tension in the body, especially when it comes to the hips. So this class is all about lengthening, strengthening and creating some openness and fluidity within t...
A Little Less Conversation
... a little more action please! In today's class, we generate some heat and work on our pelvic stability. Some of the moves in this class are a little advanced, but I want you to do whatever feels best in your body, that doesn't mean don't challenge yourself! If you feel like you are at that poi...
Warrior 2 Slow Flow
All you need is two blocks!
Outer Hip Flow
Today we did all the things to support outer hip health! We will light a little fire but also create lots of space of mobility in a quick 30 min practice!
All you need for today's flow is a couple blocks and a small hand weight. It can be done with no props as well if you are traveling or haven'...
Grow with the Flow
Today's class is all about being present in your body and in your practice. We will be flowy through this strength practice that will raise the heat but ground your mind. Enjoy!
All you need is a block!
Exploring Triangle Slow Flow
Hey Yogis! Triangle pose, or Trikonasana, is a very common pose in yoga. It's also very commonly done without good form which can put unnecessary stress on the lumbar spine and pelvis. So for today's class, we prepped the body with poses that utilize the muscles we need during triangle and then...
Back To Basics Slow Flow
This is the slow flow version of our full length "Back to Basics" 1 & 2 classes. You will need two blocks, a blanket and a strap.
We are laying down some basic foundational concepts for pelvic health yoga. I drop some introductory anatomy on the perineum as it relates to the zipping up action d...
The Art of Lunging
In today's class we breakdown the process of lunging forward. We are creating mindfulness around the musculature and the engagement that has to happen to support this forward action so we can move gracefully through the movement with fluidity and control. Enjoy!
All you need for today is two blo...
All Around Feel Good Flow
Today's class hits up all the important things that we focus on with pelvic health. Openness, breath connection and of course creating stability. You'll need a couple blocks and a strap!
Yoga for Stress Management
Inner Thigh Action Flow
The inner thighs are connected to the second layer of the pelvic floor which is part of the urogenital triangle. It attaches sitz bone to sitz bone. So in todays fresh flow we are visiting some stability and some myofascial work to support their function.
You'll need: two blocks and a tennis ...
Psoas and So Forth
Today we lengthen and strengthen the psoas which is one of the major hip flexors. The psoas muscle is located in the lower lumbar region of the spine and extends through the pelvis to the femur. It is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body. It is also myofa...
Sunday Flow Down
Flow for Sacrum & Low Back Pain
Today's class is all about creating mobility and bringing blood flow to the low back and sacrum. Many of us experience low back discomfort either chronically or acutely expecially when there are some other underlying pelvic things going on.
With this particular class, I really had in mind acu...
Morning Slow Flow
What better way to start your day then to stand on one foot?! After all, a good day, is a balanced day, right? But first things first, lets stretch it out and warm up before we get too far ahead. Yes, today's morning practice is a juicy challenge, but in a way that will mentally and physically ...
Minimalist Flow
Today's class is a full body flow that gives us opportunity to strengthen, lengthen and of course create awareness. All you need is a yoga blanket OR a big towel. This flow is perfect if you are traveling or if you haven't gotten the yoga props we use in many of the other classes. Enjoy!
Hippie Flow
The hips have a BIG job! The muscles of the hips are in charge of stabalizing the femur in the hip socket. If they are weak or too tight, they will not be able to do that. This will create instability and lead to dysfunction and of course... affect the pelvic floor!
So grab a couple blocks ...